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Clear Vase - Extra Large
  • Clear vase arrangements are fully customizable, consisting of flowers, greenery and fillers in a clear vase with faux water. Consider this arrangement "designer's choice" with size extra large typically placed in a taller, rounded, larger vase with at least a dozen flowers in varying sizes. 


    The higher price value will indicate a higher value of the vase, the type of flowers and/or size of the flowers. 


    PLEASE read the details tab fully before adding to cart.

    Clear Vase - Extra Large

    PriceFrom $125.00
    • The customer is responsible for paying a shipping fee as well as a packaging fee. The packaging fee covers the materials necessary to safely transport the item to arrive in the best possible condition. 

      The packaging fee includes additional flowers should any be damaged. Heavenly Sola Designs is not responsible for any damages made to the shipping box during transport.

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